Organizational Culture and Core Values

Model Behavior: Treating each other the way we would like to be treated. 
Diversity of Thought: Being open to different ideas or perspectives. 
Participatory Management Approach: Acting with collective wisdom in making decisions. 
Teamwork: Sharing knowledge, working with a "we" mentality rather than an "I" mentality, continuously fostering a spirit of teamwork. 
Being a Positive Team: Sustaining strong bonds among our employees through continuous, transparent, and sincere communication.
Productivity: Questioning the efficiency and effectiveness of every task, embracing continuous improvement. 
Customer Focus: Meeting customer requests and expectations promptly and in a complete manner. 
Environment and Sustainability: Being environmentally conscious individuals with a sense of recycling and preventing all kinds of waste.
HSE: Formplast has accepted as a principle to create a safe working environment for its employees. As we comply with international and national legal regulations, we continue our training to increase the awareness of our employees on this issue. 

Organizational Culture and Core Values

Model Behavior: Treating each other the way we would like to be treated. 
Diversity of Thought: Being open to different ideas or perspectives. 
Participatory Management Approach: Acting with collective wisdom in making decisions. 
Teamwork: Sharing knowledge, working with a "we" mentality rather than an "I" mentality, continuously fostering a spirit of teamwork. 
Being a Positive Team: Sustaining strong bonds among our employees through continuous, transparent, and sincere communication.
Productivity: Questioning the efficiency and effectiveness of every task, embracing continuous improvement. 
Customer Focus: Meeting customer requests and expectations promptly and in a complete manner. 
Environment and Sustainability: Being environmentally conscious individuals with a sense of recycling and preventing all kinds of waste.
HSE: Formplast has accepted as a principle to create a safe working environment for its employees. As we comply with international and national legal regulations, we continue our training to increase the awareness of our employees on this issue. 

Organizational Culture and Core Values

Model Behavior: Treating each other the way we would like to be treated. 
Diversity of Thought: Being open to different ideas or perspectives. 
Participatory Management Approach: Acting with collective wisdom in making decisions. 
Teamwork: Sharing knowledge, working with a "we" mentality rather than an "I" mentality, continuously fostering a spirit of teamwork. 
Being a Positive Team: Sustaining strong bonds among our employees through continuous, transparent, and sincere communication.
Productivity: Questioning the efficiency and effectiveness of every task, embracing continuous improvement. 
Customer Focus: Meeting customer requests and expectations promptly and in a complete manner. 
Environment and Sustainability: Being environmentally conscious individuals with a sense of recycling and preventing all kinds of waste.
HSE: Formplast has accepted as a principle to create a safe working environment for its employees. As we comply with international and national legal regulations, we continue our training to increase the awareness of our employees on this issue. 

Organizational Culture and Core Values

Model Behavior: Treating each other the way we would like to be treated. 
Diversity of Thought: Being open to different ideas or perspectives. 
Participatory Management Approach: Acting with collective wisdom in making decisions. 
Teamwork: Sharing knowledge, working with a "we" mentality rather than an "I" mentality, continuously fostering a spirit of teamwork. 
Being a Positive Team: Sustaining strong bonds among our employees through continuous, transparent, and sincere communication.
Productivity: Questioning the efficiency and effectiveness of every task, embracing continuous improvement. 
Customer Focus: Meeting customer requests and expectations promptly and in a complete manner. 
Environment and Sustainability: Being environmentally conscious individuals with a sense of recycling and preventing all kinds of waste.
HSE: Formplast has accepted as a principle to create a safe working environment for its employees. As we comply with international and national legal regulations, we continue our training to increase the awareness of our employees on this issue.